Spreadsheet Analytics

Developer documentation

On-premise deployment

Deploying on-premise version

To receive the installation package of Spreadsheet Analytics, please request a quote.

Please review the System requirements section to install the prerequisites that are needed for the application to run.

  1. Unpack the installation package on the server.
  2. If this is an upgrade, you should backup the previous version and overwrite any existing files. For upgrade the other steps can be skipped.
  3. If this is the first time you install the application, copy Web.template.config file as Web.config.
  4. Create an application using IIS Manager that points to the application directory, using an application pool with .NET Framework 4 enabled.
    1. The name of the application pool plays a role - the application checks if the name contains the word production and switches the configuration that it uses.
  5. Give the application pool identity write access to the App_Data folder under the application intallation directory.
  6. Open the Web.config file in an editor and fill the ZoomChartsLicense and ZoomChartsLicenseKey values with your license key.

Configuring built-in Windows authentication

  1. Upon first installation, copy auth/windows/Web.template.config as Web.config.
  2. Using IIS Manager, on the server level open Feature Delegation and change Authentication - Windows to Read/Write.
  3. If you want to authenticate against Active Directory, the server must be joined to the domain.
  4. By default, the application allows anyone in the local Users group. To change that, modify the setting in auth/windows/Web.config file.
  5. Modify the root Web.config file and fill the ProductionApiRoot with the value builtin://windows-authentication/.