Spreadsheet Analytics

Developer documentation

On-premise deployment

Hardware requirements

The application performs all of its calculation on the client side, the server is only tasked with serving the resource files (such as scripts and stylesheets), but is optimized so that all of them can be cached.

The one task that is relatively expensive is creating shares. However the main requirement here is the disk space that has to accomodate the shared data. Note that the shares are stored with ZIP compression to conserve space.

The actual hardware requirements depend on how many shares are being created. Without the sharing functionality a single core server can theoretically serve at least 10 000 users due to the optimized caching mechanisms.

Software requirements

The application runs using .NET Framework 4.6 (or newer), so .NET Framework requirements apply.

We recommend using Windows Server 2012 R2 as currently this version is used for the hosted version of Spreadsheet Analytics and thus is the most well tested. Other versions that support .NET Framework 4.6 should work as well but have not been verified at this point.

Required Windows Server roles and features (Windows Server 2012 R2):

Required additional software: